
November 3d: the revolution starts now

Ok, I feel like I've been beat up. My eyes are sore and swollen from bouts of crying and generally being weepy all day. I skipped my second class today because I just could not hold it together anymore. Now I think I have recovered enough to fight the good fight again. And fight it harder.
After an entire day of blog reading, and listening to Air America I actually feel better than I thought I could. I feel connected to people, for the first time in a LONG time. Last night I felt so alienated, like the entire country is populated by aliens, not like I am one. But its not true, I am not alone. I am in good company.
I think this loss will mobilize those of the left, like me, who have been making excuses such as "I'm so busy." Up til now, some of us have let others do all the work. This must stop now. We must all do the work. We have to get rid of our "free rider" problem because it is now abundantly clear that if we don't all get out and push, there is no ride for anybody.
If we could accomplish what we did this election notwithstanding the free riding problem of lazy liberals, then just think what we can do with a lot of agenda pushing, angry, energized liberals! Bring it on! I'm just waiting for the inaugaral protest march.
It's just a matter of time people. I truly believe that. We'll take our country back. Because this is the important stuff. We have all been brought together by this experience, and we WILL NOT forget again. They are counting on us forgetting, going back to sleep, resume complacency, nibble the grass like good little sheep. Ha. We are like insurgents ourselves: the more you beat us down the stronger we will get. Do the kids say "booyah" anymore?


Blogger wanderer said...

the tears were flowing in school as well. i almost thought brudney was going to cry. we planned that if we got called on we would respond: well labor law is now irrelevant as king bush will repeal the NLRA and make unions nonexistent, so yeah no answer.

November 4, 2004 at 2:55:00 AM EST  

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