
On the other side of despair is wary optimism

One week from what Al Franken likes to call "that thing that happened last week, that thing for short", and I'm feeling a little better.
I have since found out that my extended family did not contribute to Bush winning Ohio, something I did not know. I talked to my aunt for about an hour on Saturday, and she told me that my two uncles in the north of the state were both Democrats. I have not been close to that part of the family for years, partly out of a sense of alienation, a feeling that we believed in very different things. Granted, I am not a Democrat, that is still too far right for me. But at least my family didn't help put Bush over the top. That will make the holidays much easier to survive.
Next, I have been testing the waters by telling reasonable people that I think the election was stolen and why. Some of them openly agree, and others at least don't think I'm a whacko, which is surprising. With the progressives on radio and the internet now, I think info about Bush&Co's diabolical schemes gets disseminated faster and more broadly. Yay!
finally, I have been reminding everyone, including Republicans, that Bush only won by 130,000 votes. that way the "broad nationwide victory" meme will have a harder time taking hold. Let's remind those myopic Repubs and conservatives that just because there's more red on the map doesn't mean that the blue states are isolated enclaves of crazies who voted for Kerry. For example: the entire population of New York City (give or take freaks like Giuliani) went for Kerry; the same amount of people as say, Wyoming, Montana and Kansas combined. I'm so sick of hearing their coloring book logic. But it *is* a meme; they know what they are doing, they are trying to demoralize Dems in the red states right now, who really are feeling alone in the world. So Fight the Meme!! (I live in Ohio by the way, and we were green for "too close to call" most of the night on CNN. I refuse to accept that I live in a red state myself. Yeah, its called denial, you wanna make something of it?!?!?!)
Anyway dear friends, in the aftermath, reading all the literature out there about "why we lost", I have come to at least one conclusion. I am actually glad Bush won that thing that happened last week on one very narrow point: now it will be perfectly clear who ran up the deficit and not only initiated but failed to resolve the quagmire in Iraq. There will be NO confusion in the history books, OR the next election. Can't still blame the economy on Clinton eight years later, W.
One final post election thought: W DOES NOT STAND FOR WOMEN. I randomly shout this at people. It's so goddamn ridiculous.


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