
"Old whores don't do much giggling."

After an entire day of reading Hunter Thompson with a side of Chomsky, I'm feeling dizzy nauseous and hard nosed. I don't feel like putting up with anybody's shit. Everyone just looks like bobbleheads lately, perhaps explaining the renewed interest in the kitchy things. When all the world's a novelty store, bobbleheads are reassuring portraits of the familiar. Ugh. I should probably just get some dinner. But I wanted to state for the record that I am done with having faith and hope in American politics.
All americans are bastards, including me, and I don't see the point in voting for one bastard over another. For a few months back in aught-four I seriously thought we could change the direction the country was taking by voting for the right guy. The anti war guy, the smart, east coast liberal guy. But I'm not entirely sure of that anymore. It seems like evil things have always been done in the name of america, and I don't know that we can stop the jauggernaut at this point. Are we capable of doing good, are we capable of learning from mistakes? The problem is, you have to know what mistakes were to learn from them, and no body is taking us over their knee to show us. I'm actually starting to get afraid that most of my fellow americans would completely support locking me up for saying something unamerican. the liberals aren't crazy enough, aren't mad enough, aren't brave enough to risk a prison break; and frankly i'd rather be locked up than vulnerable to the rabid violent freaks who would want to stab me for my opinions.
what is it safe to do anymore? what is it safe to say? (remembering the cookie munching pacifists inflitrated by the law enforcement mole, depicted by michael moore) shit, i feel like i'm not doing anything important by not saying anything. but i'm scared to death of what would happen if i say what i am thinking half the time. cowardly obsure existence. way to go.
sorry for the self pity marathon. i know you people (my good friends and whoever else may happen by) have more important things to do than listen to my current identity crisis bullshit. but hey, law school's almost over: the time is ripe for me to start this all over again.


Blogger clash said...

stumbled upon this blog, when i was in dire need of someone speak with who share my interests :radical,leftist,progressive. so this has been a pretty big surprise that some people do exist in blogosphere, which exactly in part of world is a domain of the upcoming gung-ho professionals who eulogize the new capitalistic vendetta! hope to c u in ma blog at times

August 8, 2005 at 7:27:00 AM EDT  

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