
Why did I not hear anything about this??


Scouring the "internets" for a transcription of the new Bin Laden video, and I came across this article on Al Jazeera. Hmm. I remember the bombing in Madrid. I remember hearing about it a lot, and the elections there, and so forth. Why did I not hear that Al Qaida wants Bush to win because he is a religious fundamentalist who deals with things by resorting to force rather than wisdom and diplomacy? Damn our "liberal" media, I guess they were just being sensitive of Bushie's feelings.
From what I have seen of this new video, Bin Laden mocks Bush for sitting in the class room and giving the terrorists much more time than they thought they would have to carry out their attacks. Hear that America: they had extra time to spare because Bush sat there doing nothing. It occurred to me while watching the tape on CNN: wherever Bin Laden is, I wonder if he was able to watch a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11...because nobody else in the "liberal" media has the balls to replay that tape of Bush sitting in the classroom, and that's the most high profile venue in which to see it....



Always on the prowl for new and different news sources...
I know I don't really understand the Palestine/Israeli conflict, I know that.
But it really does seem like we (USA) have no business getting involved.


'A was a man, take him for all and all, I shall not look upon his like again

This article must've been written a couple of weeks ago, but I just found it. I am more glad then ever to be voting for this man. (although, I do rather wish he were a woman.)

I'll admit that I'm a conspiracy theorist, if you admit that you are a coincidence theorist

Ok, I've been pretty troubled by the war in Iraq for some time now. Like, inception (of the war, not me, that was *con* ception). I can clearly remember driving home from school one night, I forget why I stayed late, but it was dark and I remember listening to NPR in my car and for some reason someone thought it would be a good idea to broadcast from Baghdad the sounds of the bombs exploding during "Shock and Awe." How macabre, I remember thinking, but I listened anyway, because (as I have mentioned before) I think its important to fully internalize the impact our tax money is having on other human beings around the world. If I am disturbed and upset, it is only right that I at least have to deal with that, head on, since I am funding violence en masse somewhere in the world. But I digress...
Since that time, the war sort of has to take a back seat sometimes, you know? I'm not rich, I have money worries; people I love get sick, I have health worries; I am confused about the future, I have inchoate worries, et cetera, ad nauseam.
It is a luxury I enjoy, to be *able* to forget about it for awhile. A luxury that the people living through it do not have. If I believed in "sins" I think it would be a sin that we are allowed to go on with our daily lives, not thinking about the war until HOLY SHIT an AMERICAN DIED??!!! And then we resume where we left off.
At heart, I am a conspiracy theorist. What always captures my imagination is the idea that all these bad things in the world could not be coincidental; there is some sort of new world order out there that is plotting against normal folks the world over who just want to work and sleep and eat and love thy neighbor and whatever. This is also why I tend to drink alcohol when I know I shouldn't: it blunts the edges (she types, after 3 shots of vodka on a friday afternoon).
Fortunately, there is also an order of likeminded individuals, who are scoffed at and maligned and otherwise shat upon by the world in general, all because they spend their lives exposing to the light the things that some would rather stayed in the moist, dark, recesses of the subconscious. People who insist that we pay attention to the tickling sensation in the back of one's brain that says: we are not in control of this situation; someone has sold us out to demonic forces; I cannot just eat my Hungry Jack pancakes and forget. Well in this case, the conspiracy theorists have done their job: I'm awake.
Today, I was upset and disturbed again, my dear friends. Because *they knew.* Optimistic conspiracy theorist that I am, I try to make excuses. I sincerely try (despite my cynical demeanor) to believe there is good in everyone. I just cannot believe (as hard as I endeavor) in pure evil. Perhaps because I have never really known it. I guess I just never learned the lesson: "That one can smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Even the powermongers that are currently wrecking havoc upon the world: I pity them. They are mistaken, confused, misguided, stupid maybe, but not cold blooded, calculating, malicious killers....right? I mean, that is what they claim they are fighting: Torture stadiums, rape rooms, BAD things.
But they knew we were not in any danger and they consciously made the decision to send us over there to die, like we are all (Iraqis included) gamepiece abstractions to them. Like we are data, like either we aren't human to them or they aren't human at all. I knew they lied, I knew that. Really. I guess it just hit me what the consequences of their lies has been. The death of 1,100 of my country-people. (And counting) Upwards of 30,000 Iraqis, who were just living their lives, trying to get by, dealing with the fact that their leader's violence was arbitrary and capricious. I am beginning to understand what that might be like.
Here's the combination of websites that brought this all on:
(pay "especial" attention to Blast from the Past at memoryhole; it was that and vodka that brought about my maudlin outburst. To just finally know, in my heart, that people knew the truth and *wanted us to die anyway* really hurts me. I am a naive girl, I know.)



keeping track of all the cool blogs i visit is like work and stuff.

Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love

So tired of debates. What was more interesting to watch, a Frontline documentary on both candidates. This should be required viewing: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/choice2004/ You can watch the entire thing online. I love Frontline documentaries, I have no life.
Last night on the final debate between the Presidential candidates, Bush was trying so hard. I really will give him credit for that. He wasn't "scowling" nor was he ranting and screaming. I missed the first half hour, but for a solid hour I watched him struggle. I could almost audibly discern his inner monologue: Don't scowl, calm down, talk slowly, breathe, soften your tone...
He really kept it together; I mean, for him.
But I guess I'm just a weirdo in thinking that maybe our sitting president shouldn't need three tries to get to "didn't actually embarrass himself." And when his campaign people are saying "He's better at campaigning than debating" I think: because he can lie and not be challenged? Because they pack the campaign stops with rabid supporters and screen out any independent thinkers? So our current, actual president can't handle public speaking where someone might disagree with him. How nice. I guess if you are a War President, that's ok. Speak unintelligibly and carry a big missile. I just couldn't believe his handlers admitted that: do they not realize how bad that sounds?
Oh, and what's got Lynn Cheney's panties in a knot this morning? That witch is the perfect complement to her mean spirited, souless husband. She is just outright despicable. She's out there calling herself an "indignant mother" saying that Kerry is "not a good man" for playing some "cheap tawdry political trick."
First of all, for the Bush campaign to accuse anyone of playing dirty is the height of hypocrisy. Secondly, the reason for all this maternal outrage? Kerry mentioned, in the context of a gay marriage question, that if you asked Mary Cheney she would tell you that she is just trying to be who she is. So the trick comes in...because he mentioned that Cheney has a lesbian daughter. Which is true. Where's the trick? Gasp: could it be that Lynn Cheney can still be a homophobic bigot even with a gay daughter? I do think so, my friends. She thinks that by mentioning over and over that their daughter is a lesbian, that Dems are maligning them. You would only think that if you deep down thought that being homosexual was a bad thing, something to be ashamed of. So let's stop this Cheney love fest: they aren't tolerant because its the right thing to do, they are not even tolerant: they have to admit their daughter is a lesbian BECAUSE SHE IS, but that's the only reason they aren't out there with a sign that says "God hates fags."
More rants later.

PS. a really cool blog that some people on back-t0-iraq have been reading, written by a girl who goes by "Riverbend" living in Baghdad; hope she doesn't mind me linking to it; we need some human connections with the people who are living through what we watch on CNN; we need to be held accountable for what our tax dollars are paying for. god i'm so depressed. anyway, here's the link:


Whose phrase of sorrow conjures the wand'ring stars and makes them stand like wonder-wounded hearers?

School's back in session. Eww.
Let's take stock of what I accomplished over break:

  1. I worked 36 hours last week.
  2. I probably spent all I made on gas, lunch, and the shopping I did yesterday with mom.
  3. I watched the VP and Presidential Debates: shouting "F*&% Cheney" and "What a f*&%ing moron" all the while.
  4. I bought a new purse, made of plastic. I like it.
  5. I finished my W. book: rumor has it that W. got a girl pregnant in 1970 and arranged for her to have an abortion; but the woman isn't talking so Kitty Kelley doesn't state it as fact.
  6. I watched "Mystic Pizza": there's a waste of 2 hours.

At least I only have one class today: its best to take it slow and ease back into learning. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have something to rant about when I get home from school.


How does the muskrat guard his musk: courage

Ugh, work this week has been hard, and not because I've had a lot of things to do, just very intellectually challenging. Which I was not, frankly, expecting. So when I get home I don't catch up on my school reading: hell no! I've been reading legal theory all day, I have no desire to read more.
Basically I have been reading up on the court futures movement, which apparently no one but my boss has ever heard of. I don't feel like spelling it out right now, I will do so in a subsequent entry. But basically I have been reading stuff which is making me reevaluate my core belief system and wonder whether I am really a "communist" or just someone who wants things to change within the present system. (As my friend M.C. pointed out so consisely today.)
I will address this topic more over the weekend, as I frantically try to catch up with school reading. Right now my brain needs a break so I am going to:

  1. eat dinner
  2. read my kitty kelley book about how evil W. is
  3. drink a bottle of champagne
  4. watch jeopardy

sounds like a good action plan, ne?


Sickness is catching, would that common sense was so.

Ok, my attempt at Shakespearean inspired post titles is becoming strained. I will have to read a play or two over fall break to refresh my supply of ready quotes. :)
It was amusing after the debate on Thursday to watch the Daily Show coverage, but maddening as well. Rudy Guiliani looked like a muppet high on gas, and spoke like one. Jon Stewart was having trouble keeping a straight face as G. was trumpeting that Kerry was more inconsistent than ever so the debate was a clear Republican victory. Ugh, why does every attempt at reasoned political discourse now sound like an episode of Crossfire. You know, in real life, its ok to think outside of party lines, or more appropriately, the party box, the party cube, the party lead-lined casket.
I am so looking forward to the Vice Presidential Debate on Tuesday! Can you imagine a more mismatched pair than Edwards and Cheney? I hope J.E. shows Cheney up for the inhuman, antediluvian, moneygrubbing creep that he is. Cheney has got the charm of a week old mayonaise sandwich. (Rather a weak, old, mayonaise sandwich on white bread. ick.) Just the way he sort of hunches his shoulders and squints with those beady eyes, and his laugh is like bad fiction bad guy "heh heh."
I think Kerry did right choosing Edwards because of the charm factor. For some unknown reason, 90% of the American people find Bush charming. I know, its disgusting. I guess if you like Bubba down at the Roadhouse, who's slobbering on your shoes and looking at your tits, you might find Bush charming. Kerry doesn't really have charm, but nor does he really lack it. He keeps to the windy side of charm. But Edwards is like everyone's good looking neighbor guy, who like helps you out, and stuff. (Eloquence has left the building.)
In not so flippant news, I found out yesterday that my niece Mallory Jeanne had a grand maul seizure yesterday morning, and was rushed to the hospital. She's only 10 years old, the poor thing, and now we know that she has epilepsy just like her (scumbag) father. My sister Anne went up to Toledo to be with her, and will be back today. I talked to M.J. on the phone last night, and she was so funny. She wanted to know if i would join her smiley face tattoo club. Without knowing more I said yes, slightly fearful that I was signing up to "get some ink done." She said it was a club she just made up and no boys were allowed; that she and her mom (Anne) were the only members so far, and I made three. Anne said they had Mal on some pretty hefty drugs. I'm glad she is doing well. My nephew Nick (12) was the one who found M.J. having the seizure, poor kid. He was pretty devastated. I told him that if he needs to talk to anyone to call me, and that I was proud of him for taking care of his little sister. Geez. I wish I lived closer, I need to hug them to know they are ok.
Anyway: Fall Break. yay. I have to catch up on my reading in Real Estate Finance, Administrative Law, Labor Law, Secured Transactions. And work 40 hours this week. And work on my bar application. Let the "vacation" begin.